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Standard widgets

The exact widgets available on your site will depend on when it was installed, and what has been added as the site was implemented. The current list of standard widgets is as below.

Tour of standard widgets

Publishing widgets

ContentUse this widget to put a block of text on your homepage, with the option of including a heading. Managed using the text editor.
Directory searchProvides a search box for Directories.
DocumentsDisplays the list of documents in the current category.
ESRI MapEmbed an ESRI ArcGIS Online map in a homepage.
Events calendarCalendar of events.
External feedEmbed an external news feed in a page.
GalleryEmbed a multimedia gallery in a page.
Homepage bannerRandom homepage banner advert.
ImageAdds a static image to the page. Managed using the Image library.
Latest newsLatest news item on the site, either the last one published, or the top news.
Middle advertsMiddle adverts from the Marketing module, that will change based upon user preferences.
MultimediaEmbed a multimedia item into the homepage.
NavigationCreate a list of navigation links.
Opinion pollThe live opinion poll.
Right advertsRight adverts from the marketing module.
Site mapA list of accessible pages on the website.
Sub-category linksDisplays all the sub-categories of the applied category.
Website statisticsWebsite visitor statistics from Jadu Central statistics report.
What's new on siteList of the five newest items on your website.
What's onPick of the week event.

Forms widgets

User forms widgetAn overview of a user's form submissions. Split into two sections, submitted and incomplete forms.
Submitted formsUser's most recent submitted form, displayed with the time of submission and its reference. If the form generated a PDF or created a Jadu Connect case, links to these will be displayed. A link to find more detail about the form is also shown, so the customer can review the answers they provided.
Incomplete formsFor all their incomplete forms, users can see the name of the form, and links to return to it or to remove it.

Customising the widget text

Forms widgets include additional settings to customise displayed text. The values can be adjusted in widget settings after adding the widget to a homepage.

  • Title: the title of the widget
  • No forms: text to display if no forms are found for the customer
  • Submitted forms subtitle: text for the title of the submitted forms section
  • Download PDF link text: text for the link to download the PDF
  • Jadu Connect follow-up link text: text for the link to view a Jadu Connect case
  • Submitted forms view more: text for the link to view more submitted forms
  • Unsubmitted forms subtitle: text for the title of the unsubmitted forms section
  • Unsubmitted forms view more: text for the link to view more unsubmitted forms