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Before you can create Councillor records, you must enter your party and ward records.

Managing councillors

Councillors are managed via the eGov menu.

If your account has permission to access councillors, you navigate to their management area by the following:

  1. Click the eGov icon in the left navigation bar. The eGov menu will open.
  2. Click the Councillors link in the second group of links.

Councillor fields

Councillor form

The following fields are provided to store data about councillors.

ImageA photograph of the councillor.
SurnameThe councillor's surname.
ForenameThe councillor's forename.
PartyThe councillor's political party.
WardThe ward that the councillor represents.
PositionYou may indicate whether the councillor is either 'Leader' or 'Deputy Leader’.
TelephoneThe councillor's telephone number.
FaxThe councillor's fax number.
EmailThe councillor's email address.
AddressThe councillor's postal address.
ContentLong description of your councillor. See Text editor for further details.