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A to Z services

The A to Z provides site users with a simple, and efficient means to navigate the many hundreds of sections on your website.


Records are not automatically added to the A to Z of services. This allows you to curate the content listed in this navigation tool.

Managing A to Z services

A to Z services are managed via the eGov menu.

If your account has permission to access A to Z services, you navigate to their management area by the following:

  1. Click the eGov icon in the left navigation bar. The eGov menu will open.
  2. Click the A-Z services link in the first group of links.

A to Z services fields

A to Z services form

TitleThe main title of your service.
Additional TitlesExtra titles for your service. This should be done in instances where the entry may be found under different headings (e.g. Abandoned Vehicles could be called Dumped Vehicles or Cars, Abandoned).
CategoriesNavigation categories assigned to this service.
MetadataMetadata associated with this service.
PIDIf the service is a standard service included within the Local Government Service List (LGSL), you can assign the appropriate PID reference to it.
Display TypeWhether your entry should be Page content (e.g. a dynamic service page with rich content and automatically generated links to relevant content) or an External redirect (e.g. a link to a page on another website).
ContentLong description of your service. See Text editor for further details.
ContactsAssociated contacts from the A to Z contacts content type. You may add multiple contacts to a service if applicable.
AvailabilityDetails about service availability.
AccessibilityDetails about service accessibility.
EligibilityDetails about service eligibility.
External URLRedirect destination if you set Display type to "External redirect".

The PID List is a common name used to describe the Local Government Services List (LGSL), a standard list of local government services managed by ESD Toolkit. The list can be used to help Local Authorities monitor their compliance with Best Value Performance Indicator 157. A PID Reference refers to a specific service from this list.

Exporting A to Z services

A to Z services can be exported as an XML document for use within back office systems such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

To navigate to the export area, try the following:

  1. Click the eGov icon in the left navigation bar. The eGov menu will open.
  2. Click the A-Z Service Export link in the first group of links. The A to Z service export form will open.

Export settings should be set before attempting to export the A to Z.

Export fields

Source / FilenameFilename for the generated XML file.
VersionThe version number of the export.
StatusUsed indicate the status of the data (e.g. draft or final).
SiteUsed to indicate which of your sites the export is relevant to (e.g. local, portal, website or intranet).
CategoriesTaxonomy categories relevant to this export.
Include ContactsWhether you wish to include related service contact information in your export.
ServicesThe services to include in this file, either individual services or all services staring with a specific letter.

Export settings fields

A to Z services export settings

Authority IDYour unique Local Authority identifier here.
Authority NameThis should be the name of the Council.
DescriptionA short description of the purpose of the export file in the space. This may need to be changed depending on what you are going to use the export for. An example could be 'A to Z services export file for shared services portal.'
TitleA descriptive Title for your export file (e.g Local Authority A to Z Services).
PublisherAny Publisher details here (e.g your authority name).
Author nameThe author's name (this could be a generic organisation name or an individual named officer).
Author Job titleIf using an individual named officer as the author you can indicate their job title.
Author DepartmentIf using an individual named officer as the author you can indicate their department.
Author TelephoneA contact number for the author.
Author PAONThe Primary Addressable Object (PAO) relates to the main building in which the service is provided. For example,the main building would be Universe House, 1 Merus Court.
Author SAONThe Secondary Addressable Object (SAO) relates to the unit within the main property from which the service is provided. For example, if the units within Universe House were 501 to 504 then the main building would be the 501 to 504.
Author Street NameThe street name (e.g. Merus Court)
Author Street TownThe town name, if appropriate.
Author Post TownThe post town name (e.g. Leicester).
Author CountyThe county name, if appropriate.
Author PostcodeThe postcode here (e.g. LE19 1RJ).