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Introduction to Community Central

Community Central is a product developed in association with Brightly, comprising the Jadu Central and Jadu Connect products, along with connectors to integrate with Brightly's Confirm Asset Management software.

The key components of the integration are:

  • A map widget which can surface data from Confirm, and allow users to report issues against a location or an asset.
  • Configurable creation and updating of Confirm Enquiries at any point in the lifecycle of a Jadu Connect Case.
  • Ability to receive updates made to Enquiries in Confirm, and use them to drive the Jadu Connect Case workflow, for example to send a notification to the reporting user.

The integration interacts with the following parts of the Confirm software:

  • Confirm Web API
  • Confirm CRM Connector API
  • Confirm Task Processor - CRM Agent


  • The Confirm map widget requires a subscription to Esri ArcGIS online.
  • The Confirm map widget can optionally make use of what3words for location searching. An account and API key are required to enable this feature.
  • The Confirm map widget can use FontAwesome to provide labels for map markers. A Free or Pro license is required to make use of this feature.
  • Whilst not a direct dependency of the integration, for a complete solution you will need a suitable Address Lookup Service which offers:
    • Property lookups - required for a user to sign up for a MyAccount. This could surface local (LLPG) and/or national address data, depending on your requirements.
    • Street lookups - required in order to support a non-map based reporting journey, for users who are unable to interact with an online map. It is recommended that this be configured to only surface data applicable to the area managed within your Confirm instance, e.g. local (LLPG) data.

Getting started

The first step to using the integration is to enable and configure it (and its dependencies) within the applicable parts of the platform:

  1. Configure the Esri Maps integration in Jadu Central for use by the map widget.

    The key setting here is the "Public Map (GUID)" which is the map which will be used as the base map for all Confirm integrated map widgets.

    Note: The minimum ArcGIS Online subscription needed for Community Central usage is for a single "Creator" user to do the one time setup. If you're using one of the Esri gallery maps or connecting to the Ordnance Survey Maps API to use one of their maps, it doesn't consume any credits.

    Where the base map is set up to use the Ordnance Survey Maps API, you must select a layer using the Web Mercator (3857) coordinate projection.

  2. Configure the integration in Jadu Central for the map widget

  3. Configure what3words and/or FontAwesome settings in Jadu Central for use by the map widget

  4. Configure the data from Confirm which needs to be displayed on the map

  5. Configure the integration in Jadu Connect for creating, updating, and receiving updates on Enquiries

Then configure the components to build the complete reporting journey:

  1. Add the map widget to a page
  2. Build a form to capture details of the issue
  3. Configure mappings to create an Enquiry
  4. Configure Enquiry updates from Confirm

It is possible to use the Jadu Central and Jadu Connect parts of the integration independently, however for a full end-to-end reporting journey, both should be used.

Assuming that both parts of the integration is in use and all elements of the Confirm system are available, the expected fault reporting process is as follows:

  • User views Jadu Homepage containing Confirm map widget
  • User finds location of the fault and clicks button to report the issue
  • User is directed to a Jadu Form to provide additional information about the fault
  • User submits a form (using Jadu Central Forms), which raises a Case in Jadu Connect
  • Jadu Connect raises an Enquiry in Confirm linked to the case
  • Updates to the Enquiry are pushed to the Jadu Connect case, which can optionally trigger other workflows in Jadu Connect.