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Site visitors can create accounts on your Jadu website by registering. The registration process is where information about the site visitor is gathered and stored for later reuse.

Once an account has been created, signed in users can:

  • Submit data to visitor managed directories
  • Sign up for API key access
  • Where available, form fields will be prefilled with their stored data
  • Query their submitted form data and track their submission's progress

Setting registration preferences

You must decide what basic information to ask from a site visitor, for example name, address or telephone number and also a possible two targeted questions.

The targeted questions allow you to segment your site visitors based on their expressed preferences in other Jadu Central functionality.

Choosing the right questions to ask your customers will benefit your organization. Not alarming or ‘turning-away’ your potential online customer requires serious consideration.

To set your registration preferences, try the following:

  1. Click the Marketing icon in the left navigation bar. The Marketing menu will open.
  2. Click the Register preferences link in the second group of links. The Register preferences form will now be shown.
  3. Set your preferred registration profile values, and click the Save button to save your changes.

Questions that the site visitor considers intrusive will lead to them abandoning the process.

Consider what a site visitor gains by registration, the bigger the benefits, the more data they will be happy to consider sharing with you.


Use of site visitor data is covered by GDPR for European Union citizens, and similar legislation in other territories. Jadu Central is proud to comply with GDPR requirements.

Register preferences fields

Register preferences page


Email address is always a required option, as it is needed for security and identification purposes.

Require email authenticationIf enabled, after completing the registration form a site visitor will need to click a link in an email sent to their registered address to activate their account.
SalutationTitle of the site visitor.
ForenameFirst name of the site visitor.
SurnameFamily name of the site visitor.
Date of BirthDate of birth of the site visitor, captured as dd/mm/yyyy.
AgeAge in years of the site visitor. This is not automatically change each year by Jadu Central, and will remain the registered value unless the site visitor amends it.
SexSex of the site visitor.
OccupationJob or profession of the site visitor.
CompanyThe employer of the site visitor.
AddressThe address of the site visitor. This value is not separated into separate street, locality, etc fields.
CityThe city of the site visitor.
County/RegionThe county or other region of the site visitor.
Post codeThe postcode or zip code of the site visitor.
CountryThe country of the site visitor, presented as a dropdown box from which options can be selected.
TelephoneThe telephone number of the site visitor.
MobileThe mobile/cell number of the site visitor.
FaxThe fax number of the site visitor.
Website addressThe website of the site visitor.
Data Protection Act QuestionWhether to include a question asking if the site visitor is happy to be contacted. If the site visitor responds no, or the question is not asked, they will be excluded from some functionality such as the Mailchimp integration.

Targeting question fields

Targeting questions page

QuestionThe question, including a question mark if desired.
AnswersThe list of answers available to a site visitor. Validation of the registration form will require that site visitors select at least one answer for each question set, so it is good practice to provide a "Don't know" or similar response.

It is recommended that you do not change these answers once your site is live, as it can directly affect the profiles and value of personalisation for users who have already registered.