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Targeted emails

Jadu Central includes a facility for sending email newsletters to your registered site visitors.

  1. Click the Marketing icon in the left navigation bar. The Marketing menu will open.
  2. Click the Bulk emails link in the second group of links. The Bulk email form will open.

Bulk email fields

Bulk email form interface

Email typeWhether to create a Text only or HTML email.
Filter targetThe filter or segment to email. When "No users" is selected, the email will only be sent to the BCC email addresses.
Report to email addressAn additional email address for extra recipients, for example colleagues. Be aware that these email addresses will be visible to other recipients of the email. Comma separated list.
BCC email addressAn additional entry field to type the email address of further recipients whilst keeping the address confidential. These will not be visible to other recipients. Comma separated list.
SubjectThe subject of the email.
MessageThe body of the email. If you have selected HTML email type, this is managed using Jadu Central text editor