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Targeted adverts

You can enhance your site visitors experience of your website by creating targeted adverts for your homepages reflecting customers interests.


Targeted adverts make use of filters and segments you have created in Jadu Central. It's best to create these before creating your targeted adverts.

Adverts not associated with a particular segment or filter can be created as Guest user (default) adverts.

  1. Click the Marketing icon in the left navigation bar. The Marketing menu will open.
  2. Click the Homepage adverts link in the first group of links. A list of adverts will now be shown, with links to create new adverts if your account has the appropriate access permissions.

Advert form interface

ImageImage associated with the advert.
TitleHeading of the advert.
SubtitleSubheading of the advert. Middle adverts only.
Main textSnippet of text about the advert. Maximum of 200 characters. Middle adverts only.
Clickthrough linkLink destination of the advert.

The number of adverts shown on the website is limited, by default, to 3 adverts of each type. As a result, there may be more adverts in the application than can be shown to site visitors.

The position arrows can be used to move Not used adverts into an Active slot where required.

ActiveWill be displayed on the website when a matching user visits the page.
Not usedWill not be displayed on the website when a matching user visits the page.
DefaultA Guest visitor advert used to make up the required number of adverts, as there are less filter/segment specific adverts than the minimum number.