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Homepage banners

The Homepage banner content type of Jadu Central allows you to add the rotating image banner content to your webpages using the Homepage banner widget.

Managing homepage banners

Homepage banners are managed via the Publishing menu.

If your account has permission to access homepage banners, you navigate to their management area by the following:

  1. Click the Publishing icon in the left navigation bar. The Publishing menu will open.
  2. Click the Homepage banners link in the third group of links.

Homepage banner fields

TitleThe banner title. This title will be displayed on your website when the banner is used.
Links toThe web address the banner links to.
Target windowWhether the associated link opens in the current browser window or opens in a new browser window.
ImageThe image associated with this banner.
LiveThe status of the banner. If banners are randomized, multiple banners can be live concurrently. If banners are not randomized, only a single banner can be live.

Randomizing banners

The final task you can perform with the Homepage Banners area is to randomize your website’s homepage banners. This means that a visitor to your website may be shown a different homepage banner from your selection, each time they visit.

To change the randomizing status of your banners, try the following:

  1. In the Homepage banner management area, click the Actions menu and click the Enable randomise option when the menu opens.
  2. The page will refresh, a success message is shown and the randomize status will be updated.

The randomize image function will only use homepage images that have been made live.