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Collections of related multimedia items, such as image, video, and audio files, can be created and then used on your website.

The Galleries content type of Jadu Central is added to your webpages using the Gallery widget.

Managing galleries

Galleries are managed via the Publishing menu.

If your account has permission to access galleries, you navigate to their management area by the following:

  1. Click the Publishing icon in the left navigation bar. The Publishing menu will open.
  2. Click the Galleries link in the fourth group of links.

Gallery form

TitleUsed as the gallery heading.
CategoriesNavigation categories associated with this content.
MetadataMetadata associated with this content.
Summary textMaximum 200 characters.
ContentThe rich text description of the gallery.

If you are creating a new Gallery, after saving the Gallery Details, the Gallery Overview page will be displayed.

To add items to your gallery, try the following:

  1. When viewing the gallery overview, click the Actions menu and click the Add items option when the menu opens. The "Multimedia library" panel will open.
  2. Navigate through the multimedia library using the category, thumbnail or search view. Once you have selected an item, click Use This Multimedia.
  3. The "Multimedia library" panel will close, a success message will be shown and the item will be added to your gallery.

A single item in the gallery can be marked as a "Featured item". This item can then be used as a thumbnail preview where galleries are listed on your website.

Setting the featured item is simple:

  1. When viewing the gallery overview, find the item you want to feature in the gallery item list.
  2. Click the Make featured button for that gallery item. The page will refresh, a success message will be shown and the featured item will be updated.

The current featured item will have their Make featured button disabled. A gallery can only have one featured item, selecting a new featured item, will deselect the current featured item.