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News articles

A news article is a time sensitive piece of content that reports news about your organisation.

News articles are managed in their own dedicated area of the application, and are published onto a news page of your website. Content from news articles is often reused on the homepage of your website as part of a Widget.

Managing news articles

News articles are managed via the Publishing menu.

If your account has permission to access news articles, you navigate to their management area by the following:

  1. Click the Publishing icon in the left navigation bar. The Publishing menu will open.
  2. Click the News link in the second group of links. A list of news articles will now be shown, with links to create new articles if your account has the appropriate access permissions.

News article fields

News form

The following fields are provided to store data about news articles.

TitleThe news article headline.
CategoriesNavigation items assigned to this article.
MetadataKeywords, description, etc. to help site visitors find this article in a search engine.
News dateThe published date of the news article. Defaults to the current date.
News timeThe published time of the news article. Defaults to the current time.
ImageAn image related to the article.
SummaryA short description of the content of your article. This text will be shown in lists of news articles, on the full news article page and often when news article content is reused in other areas of the site. The field is limited to 200 characters by default.
ContentThe main content of your news article. This area can include links, images, videos, formatted text etc. and is managed using the Document Editor.
Top storyA single article on your website can be flagged as the "Top story". The "Top story" will be posted in a prominent position on the news pages of your website, and this flag may be used to determine which news article is shown on the homepage of your website.