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Building a homepage

The Homepage designer is a visual environment for you to easily define the layout of your page. The preview in the Homepage designer is not an accurate representation of how the page will appear on your website.

Widgets and rows can be dragged and dropped to arrange them as desired on the page.

Homepage designer

Creating rows

New rows are added by clicking the Add row button under the widget preview area.

Widgets are added to a row by dragging the placeholders in the Widgets area onto the row.

Adjusting widget width

The width of the widgets in the row can be adjusted.

Width bar

To adjust the width:

  1. Click on the widget to make it "active". A blue bar will show along the left edge of the widget.
  2. Click the Double headed arrow icon in the blue bar. The Widget width control will show below the row heading.
  3. Use the slider control, or the percentage field to adjust the width of the widget.

Creating columns

Columns are created by "combining" widgets.

Widget settings

  1. Click the Pencil icon next to the widget's title in the homepage preview area. The Widget details panel will open.
  2. Click the Settings tab, if provided.
  3. Select a widget to add to the column from the Combine Widget dropdown and click the Add button. The panel will close, and the widget will be added to the preview area.

Editing widget settings

Each widget will have a different set of details and settings that enables the manipulation of the widget's content and style.

Depending on the widget you have selected, the Widget Details window will display two tabs at the top of the window named Content and Settings, (not all widgets will have these two options).

To adjust a widget's settings, click the Pencil icon next to the widget's title in the homepage preview area.

Widget settings


When widget settings are changed, you will need to click the Save button to save your changes.

Applying widget styles

Widget styles are applied in the widget's settings.

  1. Click the Pencil icon next to the widget's title in the homepage preview area. The Widget details panel will open.
  2. Click the Settings tab, if provided.
  3. Select a style from the Select Style dropdown.
  4. Click the Continue button to apply the style.


Page layouts can be saved as templates for future reuse.

Save a template

  1. When editing the homepage, click the Actions button, and select Save as template from the options provided. The Save as template panel will open.
  2. Complete the required details and click the Save button to save your changes.

Apply a template

  1. When editing the homepage, click the Actions button, and select Apply template from the options provided. The Assign template panel will open.
  2. Select a template from the list provided, and click the Assign button to apply the change.

If you have widgets and rows already in your homepage, the template will be appended to the end of the page.