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Widget styles

Widget styles are used to define the appearance of widgets when viewed by visitors to your website. They are snippets of CSS that are added dynamically and are associated with specific website stylesheets on your site.

Therefore, the stylesheet that is chosen when a homepage is created will define the widget styles that are available for that page.

Managing widget styles

  1. Click the Settings icon in the left navigation bar. The Settings menu will open.
  2. Click the Widget manager link in the first group of links. A list of widgets will now be shown.
  3. Click the Styles tab, and select the stylesheet from the Select stylesheet dropdown menu. Click the Select button. The list of widget styles associated with this stylesheet will be shown.

Widget style fields

Widget style form interface


An Image library button is provided to upload images to Jadu Central. However, using an image will not insert the image into the CSS field. Image references must be manually added.

TitleThe name of the widget style.
CSSThe CSS that defines the widget style.

%WIDGET% should be used as a selector to refer to the widget with the style applied. %WIDGET% is a class that is dynamically added to both widget and widget styles when a visitor views a homepage.