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Image library

Within your content you have the option to add an image. To control the usage of images within your organization’s website, images that are stored within a central image library.


Although there is an option to add additional images to this central image library, this function may not be available to all users. It's availabilty depends on the permissions assigned to your user account.

Images that are uploaded to the application should be:

  • good quality, clip-art should be avoided
  • at least 72 dpi (dots per inch) resolution, as this is the standard for usage on the web
  • be a relevant size - large images will make your webpage slow for site visitors
  • a websafe format, such as .jpg, .png or .gif
  • filenames must contain no spaces and use letters or numbers only

Image library

Selecting an existing image

  1. When editing a piece of content, click the Image library button. The "Image library" panel will open.
  2. Existing images can be browsed, either by clicking on the categories on the left, viewing images by thumbnail or by searching using a keyword. Clicking on an image will load the images details in the right panel.
  3. Once the image has been selected, click the Use this image button to insert the image into your content. The "Image library" panel will close.

Your image choise is not saved when the "Image library" panel is closed. You must click the Save button to save your changes.

Uploading images

  1. When editing a piece of content, click the Image library button. The "Image library" panel will open.
  2. Click the green plus sign icon. The upload form will be shown in the "Image library" panel.
  3. Use the file input to find your image on your computer. If you check the Optimise image checkbox, Jadu Central will attempt to reduce the filesize of the image, while retaining the detail shown.
  4. Once the image is selected, click the Upload button. The panel will change to show the image details form.
  5. Select a category to assign the image to in the left panel by clicking the category name, followed by clicking the Add category button.
  6. Complete the remaining image fields, particularly the Alternative text value.
  7. Click the Save and use or Save button, depending on whether you want to insert the image now, to save your changes.

Image fields

CategoriesCategories used to find the image when navigating the image library.
TitleThis will default to the image filename. The title is used when listing the image in the image library.
TagsA comma separated list of keywords that are used when finding images that match a search term in the image library.
Alternative textThe value used to populate the alt attribute of the img element on the website. This is sometimes referred to as "alt tags". This value will be invisible when the image is viewed by most users.
CaptionSupporting text for the image. This value may be visible when the image is viewed on the website.

Alt attribute

By default, Jadu Central is configured to require a non-empty alt attribute when an image file is uploaded. To disable this validation, change the value of VALIDATE_ALT_TEXT to false in JaduConstants.