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Multimedia files, such as images, video and audio files, can be uploaded to Jadu Central and then reused either in other content types, or within the Multimedia widget.

Managing multimedia

Multimedia files are managed via the Publishing menu.

If your account has permission to access the multimedia manager, you navigate to that management area by the following:

  1. Click the Publishing icon in the left navigation bar. The Publishing menu will open.
  2. Click the Multimedia manager link in the fourth group of links.

Multimedia fields

Multimedia form

TitleAutomatically populated based on the source file's title.
TagsA comma separated list of keywords that are used when finding items that match a search term in the library.
Alternative textThe value used to populate the alt attribute of the img element on the website. This is sometimes referred to as "alt tags". This value will be invisible when the image is viewed by most users.
DescriptionA long description of multimedia content, useful for providing text alternatives for audio and video content.
CaptionSupporting text for the image. This value may be visible when the image is viewed on the website.
CategoriesCategories used to find the item when navigating the library.

Uploading new files

Multimedia upload

New files can be added to the multimedia repository in two different ways.


When you upload a video or audio, the application will need to convert the file into a format it can embed in your content. Until this conversion task is complete, you will not be able to find this item in the multimedia library to insert into your page.

  1. Either by finding the file on your computer using the Browse button. Once the file is selected, click Upload file to upload the chosen file.
  2. Or by dragging and dropping your file on to the "Drop your files here" target area.
  3. Once all the files you need to upload have been added to the file list, with a status of Complete, click the Continue button to process the files and add the required details to use them in Jadu Central.

If you choose to not immediately complete the file's details, the incomplete record will be stored under the "Unprocessed items" list, accessible from the "Multimedia Manager" page.

Bulk upload multimedia files via WebDAV

Within the Multimedia Manager interface, it is possible to bulk upload multiple files via WebDAV.

  1. Navigate to the multimedia management area. Click the Bulk uploads tab.
  2. The list of files in your dropbox will be shown. Select a file and process it to add it to the multimedia manager.

Supported file types

Jadu Central supports many file types. This includes: