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LLPG import

LLPG data can be imported into Jadu Central to:


Before importing LLPG data, the wards content type should be populated in Jadu Central.

File format

The automated update tools provided in Jadu Central require that data provided conforms to Data Transfer Format 7.3 for the National Land and Property Gazetteer version 3.1.

Setting up scheduled import

A scheduled task must be added that calls jadu/scheduled_tasks/egov_llpg_data_update.php to perform the update.

The importer by default looks for new files in /path/to/jadu/var/llpg_dtf_files/, therefore the scheduled task user must have permission to access that directory.

An example scheduled task query is as follows, nextRunDate should be changed as appropriate:

INSERT INTO JaduScheduledTasks (startDate, endDate, nextRunDate, scheduleTime, scheduleInterval, script, scheduleFunction, function_params) VALUES ('2009-04-29', '0000-00-00', '2016-07-05', '17:20', 'tenminutes', '/jadu/scheduled_tasks/ egov_llpg_data_update.php', , );

The location in which the importer looks for new files can be configured by changing the value of LLPG_DTF_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY.

Import scheduled task

Once configured, this feature works as follows:

  1. Data custodian creates DTF file from internal GMS system.
  2. Data custodian FTP's file to location specified in LLPG_DTF_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY.
  3. egov_llpg_data_update.php scheduled task runs at next specified interval and picks up all files in filesystem order within that directory.
  4. Script parses only the appropriate data out of each file in turn.
  5. Script takes the necessary action upon our local database tables to represent adjusted data.
  6. An email report is generated and sent to email addresses specified in LLPG_DTF_ERROR_EMAIL.
  7. The DTF file is removed from LLPG_DTF_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY directory.

Imported data

Record types imported are:

  • 15 - Street Descriptor
  • 21 - Basic Land and Property Unit
  • 24 - Land and Property Identifer

Other record types are not imported. The following record types are not imported but do affect the row count of the import:

  • 10 - Header
  • 29 - Metadata
  • 99 - Trailer

Example record

Example record types within DTF file that are handled are as follows.

// Header 10,"Kettering Borough Council",2820,2008-02-08,1,2009-04-03,165851,7.3,"F"

// Street 15,"I",1705,18700802,"Larch Road","","Kettering","Northamptonshire","ENG"

// BLPU 21,"I",3410,10007863000,1,2,2007-11-29,"RD02",10007872678,485588.00,283222.00,1,2820, 2004-02-25,,2008-12-19,2004-02-25,"","34UEHQ","34UE008",,,""

// LPI 24,"I",51975,100031048366,"2820L000000001","ENG",1,2001-04-03,,2001-04-03,2001-05-10, ,"",,"","",107,"",,"","",18701196,"","Y","NN16 0SJ","Kettering","",,,""

// Trailer 99,0,102038,2009-04-03,165851

LPI storage

Land and property information (LPI) is stored in the following tables with in Jadu's database.

  • JaduEGovLPIs
  • JaduEGovLPIToBusinesses
  • JaduEGovLPIToStreets
  • JaduEGovStreets
  • JaduEGovWards

If you should ever need to clear down the data in order to start afresh, truncate JaduEGovLPIs, JaduEGovLPIToBusinesses, JaduEGovLPIToStreets and JaduEGovStreets.

The data in JaduEGovWards is content managed through the Ward content type.