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Locales describe a language as spoken in a particular country. It also defines country and language dependent formating, such as what day a week begins on and how numbers are formatted.

A number of locales are installed on your server and come preconfigured in Jadu, but on occasion you may need to define or edit a new locale.

  1. Click the Settings icon in the left navigation bar. The Settings menu will open.
  2. Click the Locales link in the fourth group of links. The list of "Locales" will now be shown.

Locales fields

Locales form

Locale nameThe name of the locale.
Language codeTwo-letter ISO 639-1 language code. eg. en
Country codeTwo-letter ISO 3166-1 country code. eg. uk
Unix locale codeUnix locale code eg. en_GB.utf8
Windows locale codeWindows locale code eg. english_united-kingdom.1252
Default code pageDefault character encoding. eg. cp1252

The general syntax for locales is: language[_country][.charset] (with information in brackets being optional).