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Orphaned content

If you change your information architecture there is a high probability that some of your content may become orphaned (i.e. it will no longer be linked to an appropriate navigation category).

Orphaned content can be identified using the orphaned content report in the Category builder.

  1. Click the Utilities icon in the left navigation bar. The Utilities menu will open.
  2. Click the Category builder link in the first group of links. The Category builder area will now be shown.
  3. Click the Orphaned content tab to access the Orphaned content report.

Orphaned content

Assigning categories to orphaned content

After running the report, categories can be assigned to content in bulk.

To do this, try the following:

  1. Check the checkbox next to your selected content.
  2. Click the Assign categories button at the bottom of the report. The Apply categories panel will open.
  3. Select categories in the Apply categories panel, and when satisfied, click the Apply categories button. The Apply categories panel will close, and content will be immediately updated with the assigned categories.