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  • What is it? A question that allows the customer to pinpoint a specific location on a map. This requires integration with ESRI ArcGIS Online or Google Maps to be enabled on the server.
  • When should I use it? When you need the customer to show you the location of something of interest.
  • Example scenarios: 'Show us where you saw the fly tipping' or 'Indicate where the pothole was located'.

When using the Location component linked to Google Maps, the postcode search will cease to work if the API key is not set up with valid billing details.


Question textThe label shown next to the question
TypeThe map engine to use for the question
RequiredDoes the question have to be answered?
Help textText displayed under the question to guide the customer as to how to answer it
Show internallyIf enabled, this question will be shown on internal forms
Show publiclyIf enabled, this question will be shown on online forms