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Exporting a Form

Exporting forms can be accomplished easily in Jadu Central.

Forms are exported in .zip format and contain all the form settings, page templates, rules, action templates, logics and prefills associated with the form.

To export a form:

  1. Open the form to be exported.
  2. Click the Details tab.
  3. Open the Actions menu, and select Export Form from the options available.
  4. Your browser will begin to download the exported .zip file.

Export a Form


The exported form now can be imported to any other website running Jadu Central. For example, if you have built a form on your UAT site, the same form can exported and then imported on to your Live site.

Health Check

Jadu Central will run a health check on a form before exporting it to ensure the exported from will import correctly.

If the health check fails, you will be shown a list of issues to resolve.

Please resolve these issues and then export the form again.