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To take card or direct debit payments in your forms, you must have a license for Jadu PayBridge.

In order to take card payments on a form, you'll first need to create a service in PayBridge. A service is essentially what the customer is paying for by completing the form. Payments are configured using the form rules engine.

Before you start you must ensure that:

Card services

  1. In the form designer, navigate to Rules in the top navigation bar.
  2. Click the Create Rule button and the rule designer will open.
  3. Enter a title for the rule, set When to "User reaches the end of the form" and set Then to "Make a payment". The using template dropdown will appear.
  4. Set using template to an existing payment template, or create a new payment template.
  5. Enable the rule by setting the Enabled toggle to the on position and click the Save button to save the rule. The rule designer will close, and your rule will be listed on the page.

Direct debit services

  1. In the form designer, navigate to Rules in the top navigation bar.
  2. Click the Create Rule button and the rule designer will open.
  3. Enter a title for the rule, set When to "User reaches the end of the form" and set Then to "Create a Direct Debit". The using template dropdown will appear.
  4. Set using template to an existing payment template, or create a new payment template. A number of direct debit action templates are provided, including:
  5. Enable the rule by setting the Enabled toggle to the on position and click the Save button to save the rule. The rule designer will close, and your rule will be listed on the page.