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Managing form settings

Form settings are managed via the Forms menu.

If your account has permission to access form settings, you navigate to their management area by the following:

  1. Click the Forms icon in the left navigation bar. The Forms menu will open.
  2. Click the Settings link at the bottom of the list. The settings form will open.

Disabling all forms

Sometimes it is necessary to take all forms offline for a short time. Doing this will mean users are unable to access or fill in any forms on the website. Administrators will also be prevented from filling in any internal forms.

To take all forms offline:

  1. Go to the Settings Page, under Forms > Settings in the main navigation.
  2. You will see the General Settings tab is loaded by default.
  3. Under Availability, toggle Forms Enabled to off - the toggle should turn grey.
  4. Click Save.

All forms will now be inaccessible.


Forms MUST be taken offline during the deployment of any Jadu Central patches. This is to ensure data integrity is maintained.

Restoring access to forms

After patching of the server is complete, access to forms should be restored.

To put forms back online:

  1. Go to the Settings Page, under Forms > Settings in the main navigation.
  2. You will see the General Settings tab is loaded by default.
  3. Under Availability, toggle Forms Enabled to on - the toggle should turn green.
  4. Click Save.

All forms will now be accessible again.

Adjusting address lookup cache

Address lookups to third party services such as SinglePoint or Esri are cached.

To set the address lookup cache:

  1. Go to the Settings Page, under Forms > Settings in the main navigation.
  2. On this page, look for the section Cache.
  3. Under Address cache TTL, set the amount of time you want to cache address data for. The default value is 1 day (24 hours).
  4. Click Save.

Disabling address lookup cache

To disable all caching on address lookups set the value of the Address cache TTL to 0 seconds. This will ensure no caching takes place but will mean any repeat lookups for the same address will need to be requested from the third party service and could impact the performance of your forms.

Form setting fields

Forms enabledGeneralWhether any forms on the website are enabled. Used to disable access to all forms concurrently.
Address cache TTLGeneralThe length of time that address components will store cached address search results.
Data file lifetimeGeneralThe number of days an exported data file is kept on the server before being removed.

Exported files are saved on the web server file system waiting to be downloaded. As the number of exports increase over time so does the amount of disk space being used on the server to store the export files.

To limit the amount of exported files saved to the web servers at any one time each exported file has a lifetime, defaulted to 3 days.

When a export file is older than the configured lifetime it will be removed by a background task that runs daily at 11pm.

Files cannot be retained indefinitely, the maximum lifetime for a file is 10 days.
Log lifetimeGeneralThe number of days logs are kept on the server before being removed. Log entries (notifications, file access and API logs) are retained for a limited time, defaulted to 180 days. Log entries are deleted when they're older than the configured lifetime by a background task that runs daily at 11pm.
Submission digest emailGeneralEmail recipient of a daily summary of Jadu Connect submissions.
Use language filesCompatibility
Define language constantsCompatibility
Allow invalid XML tagsCompatibilityWhether to allow invalid XML tags in data export output.
Use uploaded filenamesCompatibilityIf enabled, any attachments will be given the filename they were uploaded with when exported via data export or used in file output.