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Form variables allow access to the information contained in a form submission, by providing placeholders for a specific pieces of data e.g. an answer to a question or the customer's name.

These placeholders can be used in a number of different places throughout a form including in form and page instructions and in integrations with third party systems.

Jadu Central provides a few different types of placeholders:

  • Answer variables: variables for the answer to each question on your form, which will be replaced with the customer's answer to the question.
  • Question variables: variables for the text of each question on your form.
  • Definitions variables: variables for each definition you create, which will be replaced with the result of the definition when used.
  • Logic variables: variables are provided for each logic you add to your form, which will be replaced with the result of the logic formula when used. For example, if you add a logic called Add 10 with a formula of {{ Response - Q1 }} + 10, {{ Logic - Add 10 }} will become the answer to Q1 plus 10.
  • Standard variables: a number of standard variables are provided, to expose certain pieces of information about the form, the customer, and their submission. It is also possible to develop your own standard variables if you have programming experience in PHP - see the developer guide for more information on how to do this.

Using form variables in content

One of the main uses of variables is to put some data from the form or the customer submission into content on the form such as within page instructions or on the complete page.


Some questions, such as text fields and text areas, will offer one variable - the customer's answer. Questions such as dropdowns and radio buttons, will offer multiple variables - one for the selected label, and one for the selected value. More complex question types, such as matrices or integrated components, will offer slightly different variables.

To insert a form variable into rich text content:

  1. From within the document editor, click the Insert Placeholder button in the editor toolbar. The variable picker window will open.
  2. Click the appropriate tab in the variable picker, and click the Insert button next to the variable you wish to insert.

To insert a form variable into a compatible text field:

  1. Click the # Variable button. The variable picker window will open.
  2. Click the appropriate tab in the variable picker, and click the Insert button next to the variable you wish to insert.

Provided standard variables

Form - All Questions/AnswersA list of all answered questions in the submission
Form - Connect Case LinkA link to a Jadu Connect case raised by the form (requires a corresponding Jadu Connect form action to be set up)
Form - Connect Case ReferenceThe reference of the first case created in Jadu Connect when submitting the form. If no cases were created, this returns an empty value.
Form - Connect / Reference NumberThe reference of the first case created in Jadu Connect when submitting the form. If no cases were created, this returns the user form reference instead.
Form - ChannelThe submission channel, either WEB or CSO
Form - IdentifierThe ID of the form
Form - InstructionsThe form instructions, if present
Form - Reference NoThe reference of the customer's submission
Form - Sequence IDThe submission reference relative to this form only, e.g. 2 if it is the 2nd completed submission of this form
Form - Started DateThe date the form was started
Form - Started TimeThe time the form was started
Form - Submitted DateThe date the form was submitted
Form - Submitted TimeThe time the form was submitted
Form - TitleThe title of the form
Internal - Connect Person ReferenceThe corresponding Jadu Connect person reference, if present
PayBridge - Payment ReferenceThe corresponding payment reference in PayBridge, if present (requires a corresponding PayBridge form action to be set up)
User Form - Generated PDF LinkA link to download a generated PDF, if present (requires a corresponding PDF form action to be set up)
User - *Pieces of information relating to the customer submitting the form
User Organisation - *Pieces of information relating to the organisation of the customer submitting the form