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Prefills allow you to provide dynamic default values for questions. The value of the prefill can come from a number of different sources:

Managing prefills

Prefills are managed via the form designer, and can be added in two ways.


  1. Open a form, and view it's structure by clicking the Pages tab.
  2. In the table there is a column, Prefills. Each page in your form will have a number under this column, denoting how many prefills are on the page already.
  3. Click the prefill number to add a prefill to the corresponding page. A window will open showing any existing prefills on that page. From here you can edit or add further prefills.


  1. Open a form, and click the Advanced tab. A list of all logics

Instead of viewing prefills page by page, it possible to manage them across your entire form by viewing the Advanced tab. Just click Advanced > Prefills in the top navigation bar (under the the form title).

On this tab, you'll see a similar list of prefills, but these will be all the prefills on the form.

Adding a new prefill

  1. Click the Add Prefill button. The create interface will open.
  2. Select the question to prefill, and where the prefill value should come from.
  3. Click the Save button to save your changes. The prefill will be created and added to the list.

Removing a prefill

  1. Navigate to the prefill management area. Find the prefill to remove in the list, and click the Remove (x) button in that row. A confirmation window will open.
  2. Confirm the removal and the prefill will be removed.