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URL injection prefill

It can be useful to populate some questions, particularly hidden fields, with the value of URL parameters.

Use cases for this include populating easting and northing fields with data obtained prior to starting the form, or passing a Jadu connect case reference to a form so that the case can be modified.

To use URL parameter injection on your form add a prefill for each injected value:

  • Prefill the hidden element with A URL parameter and specify a key to identify the parameter eg. "reference"

Access the form with ?reference=123 on the end of the URL. You will see 123 appear in the question you added the prefill to.

  • You can prefill a question on any page with a URL parameter.
  • All parameters must be passed in the URL when the form is first accessed, regardless of which page the prefilled question is on.
  • Received Forms records the injected parameters for each submission, under the first entry in the Logs tab