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  • What is it? A dropdown box containing different options.
  • When should I use it? When you need the customer to choose a single option from a list.
  • Example scenarios: 'What is your title?' or 'What is your marital status?'.

If you make a Dropdown question required, you must include an empty option to ensure valid HTML markup.

The W3C Specification for HTML5 states:

If a select element has a required attribute specified, does not have a multiple attribute specified, and has a display size of 1; and if the value of the first option element in the select element’s list of options (if any) is the empty string, and that option element’s parent node is the select element (and not an optgroup element), then that option is the select element’s placeholder label option.


Question textThe label shown next to the field
AnswersSpecify one or more options to display in the question
Include empty optionIf enabled, allows you to configure the text for an option which denotes no selection e.g. Please choose...
RequiredDoes the question have to be answered?
Default answerThe value to initially select
Help textText displayed under the field to guide the customer as to what they should choose
Set input purposeSet an input purpose to assist browsers in autofilling the question. See Setting the input purpose of a question for more information on this setting
Show internallyIf enabled, this question will be shown on internal forms
Show publiclyIf enabled, this question will be shown on online forms