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Event booking

  • What is it? A calendar, where the customer can choose a time slot. This requires integration with Office 365, as this is used to store the bookings. More information on using bookings functionality can be found in Bookings.
  • When should I use it? When you need the customer to pick a date/time for something.
  • Example scenarios: 'Please choose a time for us to collect your bulky items'.


Question textThe label shown next to the question
CalendarThe calendar in Office 365 to use for storing the bookings. If a calendar you wish to use is not in this list, click the refresh button to retrieve an updated list from Outlook.
Event booking slot configurationThe configuration to use for bookings. See Booking configuration
Concurrency WeightingSpecify that the event will take up one or more of the available simultaneous event slots. See Concurrency Weighting
RequiredDoes the question have to be answered?
Help textText displayed under the question to guide the customer as to how to answer it
Show internallyIf enabled, this question will be shown on internal forms
Show publiclyIf enabled, this question will be shown on online forms

Deleting an Event Booking question will immediately cause all events booked by the question to become read-only.

It will not be possible to change these through the Manage Bookings interface.

Concurrency Weighting

The Concurrency Weighting option allows you to specify that the event will take up one or more of the available simultaneous event slots.

For example, if your event booking configuration allowed 2 simultaneous events, you will be able to say a single event will take up both slots by enabling this feature.

To configure this feature:

  1. Add an event booking question to your form. Edit the question and toggle the Concurrency Weighting setting to on.
  2. Save the question and return to the Pages list.
  3. Add or edit the page which contains the event booking question. You will be asked to configure the concurrency weighting option. This is the amount of concurrent slots the event will take up when the form is submitted. This value can be from another question - such as a dropdown - or from any other form variable such as a logic or manually typed in. See page setup options for more info.