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Before you can take bookings on a form you'll need to create an Event Booking Configuration. The configuration defines the conditions for the booking, for example what days can be booked or how far in the future a booking can be made.


By using the weighting setting on the Event Booking Component a booking can be set to take more than 1 slot.

Managing Event Configurations

Event Configurations are managed via the Forms menu.

If your account has permission to access Event Configurations, you navigate to their management area by the following:

  1. Click the Forms icon in the left navigation bar. The Forms menu will open.
  2. Click the Event Configurations link. A list of existing configurations will be shown and you'll also have the option to create a new one.

Event configuration fields

Event booking configuration details view

The following fields are provided to store data about event configuration.

NameAll event configurations must have a name, this will help you to identify the configuration when adding the Event Booking question to a form page.
SlotsSlots have a specific start and end time and fill up the bookable period. A slot would be used where the time is important, for example when booking a meeting with an advisor. Slots are not applicable when setting up all day bookings. With all day bookings the entire bookable period becomes the slot.

If slots are disabled the entire bookable period becomes the slot. A period would be used where the booking is not time critical, an rough idea of when the activity will take place is required, for example a collection or a delivery.
DurationSet the Duration setting to the number of minutes each slot will last. For example setting the duration to 60 minutes would give you slots every hour throughout the bookable period.
Maximum simultaneous eventsThe capacity of a bookable slot. Setting Maximum simultaneous events to 1 would only allow one booking to made on the chosen day or slot. If set to 5 then five bookings could be made for the day or slot etc.

Typically each booking takes up 1 slot in the calendar, when all the slots are taken the slot isn't offered as a bookable anymore.
First bookable day offsetSpecifies the first possible day that can be booked.
Setting First bookable day offset to 0 will allow your customers to make same day bookings. If set to 1 then same day bookings would not be available but the following day could be booked (if its a bookable day). If set to 5 then the first bookable day will be today + 5 days.

The bookable offset does not affect the notice period of a bookable period. The offset determines the first bookable day to be shown in the event booking question. How close to that bookable period when a booking can be made is determined by the notice period.
Last bookable day offsetSpecifies the last possible day that can be booked from the current day. It must be a higher value than the First bookable day offset.
Setting the First bookable day offset to 0 and the Last bookable day offset to 7 will result in the next week being bookable. Setting the First bookable day offset to 7 and the Last bookable day offset to 14 will result in the following week being bookable.
ExpiryBookings are reserved in the connected Office 365 calendar in a reserved state. A booking is only considered confirmed when the form has been completed. This setting specifies how long, in minutes, a booking will be reserved for before being cancelled and removed from the calendar.When an event is reserved by one customer it cannot be booked by another customer.

A background task runs every 10 minutes that will cancel and remove reserved events that were created greater than the specified number of minutes in the Expiry field. As such when setting this setting you should choose a suitable expiry time that allows your customers enough time to complete their form. For example 60 minutes should be enough time to complete most forms.
Bookable DaysThis setting specifies what days and what times each day is bookable. At least one day must have a booking period set. See Adding a bookable period
Subject templateAdds detail to the event that is created in Outlook.
Use the amend booking details on submission form action to set the subject, location and description. Placing variables from a form built using the modern form builder into the template fields within a configuration will not evaluate.
Location templateAdds detail to the event that is created in Outlook.
Description templateAdds detail to the event that is created in Outlook.

Adding a bookable period

To make a day bookable it must have at least one booking period added. Booking periods cannot overlap, for example you cannot have a period 10:00 - 11:30 and another period 11:00 - 12:00 on the same day.

  1. Navigate to the booking configuration details.
  2. Click the + button on the row for the day you want to make bookable. The Add Period modal will open.
  3. Configure the bookable period and click the Done button to save your changes.

A day that is configured for All Day bookings can only have one booking period configured. Any additional periods added will not be saved.

Bookable period fields

All DayIf your event does not have a start or end time use the All Day setting to make the entire day bookable. All day bookings appear on in the Event Booking Component as a selectable day.

Enabling the All Day setting will disable the Start time and End time settings.
Start timeAvailable when All Day is disabled. The start time of the bookable period.

If using slots the start and end times specify when the first and last slot will be available to book. If you're not using slots the entire period will be bookable.

Times should be entered using the 24 hour clock. To start the period at the start of the day enter 00:00 in the start time.
End timeAvailable when All Day is disabled. The end time of the bookable period.

Times should be entered using the 24 hour clock. To end the period at the end of the day enter 00:00 in the end time.
Notice PeriodThe notice period is the amount of hours before the period/slot that a booking must be booked in advance of.

For example if you have a bookable period set to All Day and you set the Notice period to 7 hours the period would not be available to book after 5pm the day before.
Use slot for notice periodThis setting allows you to set the notice period starting point. If disabled the notice period is calculated from the start of the bookable period, 00:00 for All Day periods and Start time for non-all day periods.
Max slotsWhen using slots for bookings the default behaviour is to fill up the entire bookable period with as many slots as possible. Use this setting to limit the number of slots available during the booking period.