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  • What is it? A table of x rows by y columns, where each cell contains a text field. Row and column headings are configurable. It is also possible to add a total row, to add up values entered in each numerical column.
  • When should I use it? When you need the customer to provide lots of similar information in a number of categories.
  • Example scenarios: 'Your income details', 'What do you receive in benefits?'.


Question textThe label shown next to the question
RequiredDoes the question have to be answered?
Help textText displayed under the question to guide the customer as to how to answer it
Show internallyIf enabled, this question will be shown on internal forms
Show publiclyIf enabled, this question will be shown on online forms
ColumnsAllows addition of multiple columns, by specifying the heading, type (text or number) and any prepend e.g. £ for each one
RowsAllows addition of multiple rows, by specifying the heading for each one
Show summary rowIf enabled, the matrix will have an additional row where all number columns are totalled (requires at least one number column)