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Create Document(s) with uploaded file(s)

In order to use the Create Document(s) with uploaded file(s) action, you'll need to create a template, which specifies what information from the form to use to create the Document(s) in OnBase.

To do this:

  1. Navigate to Templates in the top navigation bar (under the form title).

  2. Click Create Template.

  3. A popover will open, asking which type of action we want to create a template for. Choose Create Document(s) with uploaded file(s) under the Hyland OnBase section, and click Next.

    Selecting the "Create Document(s) with uploaded file(s)" action

  4. You'll then be taken to the template builder for this action. It is also possible to access the template builder from within a rule, by choosing Create new... when selecting a template in a Then block.

  5. Set the title of your template, and click Next. The title is simply used for identifying the template within the system, it is not presented to the portal user.

    Setting the template title

  6. You will then assign settings for the Document(s) to be created using this template:

    • Document Type - select from any Document Type in OnBase which the Service User has access to
    • File Type - select from any File Type in OnBase which the Service User has access to. Alternatively, the Document Type default can be used, or Best guess which means that OnBase will try to assign the File Type based on the file extension. If OnBase fails to "guess" the extension, the Document will not be created & an error will be logged in the form action log.
    • Document Date - you can map any form response, variable or logic result. Alternatively you can enter manual text by typing it into the search box for the field and pressing the return key. Best efforts will be made to convert the evaluated mapping value to a date in the format expected by the OnBase API, based on the locale set for the portal. If no mapping is provided, or the evaluated value cannot be converted to a valid date, by default the date that the Document was created will be used.
    • OnBase Files - allows you to select from any file upload question within the form. It is possible to select multiple questions, and a file upload question may be configured to accept multiple files. A single Document will be created from each file that is uploaded, each will be assigned the same document type, file type (unless "Best guess" is selected) and keyword values. Then click Next.

    Configuring the "Create Document(s) with uploaded file(s)" template

  7. Finally complete the Keyword mappings. See Keyword Mappings below for more details on mapping Keyword values.

  8. Click Save to finish creating your template.

Once the template has been created, it will need to be activated by adding it to a rule which runs when the user submits the form.

Keyword Mappings

When mapping Document Keyword values, you can select any form response, variable or logic result, or you can enter manual text by typing it into the search box for the mapping and pressing the return key.

Example of configuring Keyword mappings when creating or updating a Document

There are several special cases to bear in mind when completing your Keyword mappings:

Required Keywords

Keywords marked as required for the Document Type will be marked with an asterisk (*) in the mapping interface. If a value for a required Keyword is omitted, Document creation will fail.

Date & DateTime Keyword types

Best efforts will be made to convert the evaluated mapping value to a Date or DateTime value according to the data-type of the Keyword Type and the Date format expected by the OnBase API, based on the locale set for the portal. If the evaluated value cannot be converted to a valid date, the Keyword value will be omitted from the Document.

Mapping to a checkbox question response

Where the user has checked multiple checkboxes and the Keyword is standalone (not part of a Keyword Group), a Keyword will be added for each selected option value.

If the Keyword is within a group, a single Keyword value will be set with the selected option values as a comma separated list.

Mapping to Keywords within Multi-instance Keyword Type Groups

Multi-instance Keyword Type Groups can be mapped in one of two ways, controlled by whether or not the Multiple repeat toggle is on for the Group mapping.

If the toggle is on, you will be given the option to map the group to a Repeatable question. You will then be able to map each Keyword within the group to a field within that Repeatable question. When the form is submitted, an instance of the Keyword Group will be added to the Document for each row that the user has answered within the Repeatable.

OnBase Multi-instance Keyword Type Group setup
Repeatable question setup
Mapping the repeatable question to an OnBase Multi-instance Keyword Group

If the toggle is off, you will map to each Keyword in the group in the same way that you would a standalone Keyword. When the form is submitted, only a single instance of the Keyword Group will be added to the Document.

Mapping standard questions to an OnBase Multi-instance Keyword Group

Note: there is a known issue where the document create/update will fail when the Document Type contains a read-only keyword within a Multi-instance keyword group, and the integration Service User does not have the 'Access Restricted Keywords' privilege within OnBase

Keyword constraints & default values

It is the responsibility of the user building the form to ensure that Keyword constraints (e.g. maximum length, data-type, restricted values, formats, etc) are satisfied by using suitable form components and validation, to ensure that action does not fail due to invalid Keyword values being supplied, or required Keywords being omitted. Help-text is provided for each Keyword detailing any constraints on the Keyword values.

Read-only Keywords

Where a Keyword is read-only (and the Service User does not have the "Access Restricted Keywords" privilege), the Keyword will not be available to map to. When the Document is created, the Keyword will be automatically added to the document with its default value if one is set.

Note: there is a known issue where the document create/update will fail when the Document Type contains a read-only keyword within a Multi-instance keyword group, and the integration Service User does not have the 'Access Restricted Keywords' privilege within OnBase. Similarly, if the Document Type contains a 'Floating Point' keyword that is read-only, and the Service User does not have this privilege, the integration will fail.