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Form action failure notifications

When rules run upon form submission, critical integrations and workflows may fail without notice. To increase visibility of failures, you can now configure notifications to be informed instantly when key actions do not complete successfully.


Action Failure Notification is not applicable to Payment Rules.

Setting up notifications

To configure notifications:

  1. When editing a rule, click the notification icon next to an action in the rule editor.
  2. In the Notify on Failure modal, add recipients who should receive emails if this action fails. Choose control center admins or the form owner. Only admins who have permission to view Received Forms and are authorised for that particular Forms category can be selected.
  3. For each listed recipient, select if they should receive Instant Email notifications or Daily Digest summaries.
  4. Click Save Changes. Recipients are now set up to receive email for failures related to this action.

Once enabled, notifications are sent based on recipients' preferred alert type:

  • Instant: Email sent immediately when this action errors during submission. Includes form details, failure reason, etc.
  • Daily Digest: Summary email sent each morning outlining all failures for this action in the prior 24 hours.

The emails allow recipients to conveniently unsubscribe, mute notifications temporarily, or manage their notification settings.

Submitted with Errors status

Forms that complete submission but experience failed actions will now display a Submitted with Errors status in results lists.

You can filter form results on this status to quickly identify forms needing attention:

  1. Navigate to Received Forms
  2. In filter panel, filter by Status > Submitted with Errors

Once the underlying workflow errors are addressed, admins can mark the status resolved:

  1. Navigate to the received form entry
  2. Under Actions click Update status to submitted

This clears the error status indicator while retaining the failure event details in the logs.

Failed Actions report

The new Failed Actions report provides historical tracking of all failed actions over a chosen time period.

Access the report at Reports > Forms > Failed Actions then select your desired date range and optional filters.

Each failure lists key context like the related form, action, error message, etc. Drill into any failure by clicking the Received Form Link.