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Create directory entry template

Jadu Central forms provides an action that can push data submitted to your form into entries in a Jadu Central Directory. For this to work, you will need a live Directory.

When a form with a rule to Submit a Directory Entry is submitted a new directory entry is created. The directory entry will be created:

  • With the status "user records awaiting approval".
  • The form reference number as the title.
  • If the user was signed in when submitting the form the "Submitted by" column will be set, otherwise the "Submitted by" column will be blank

When reviewing received directory entries you will need to give the entry a descriptive title, assign categories and metadata. Once reviewed the entry can be made live.

Create a directory entry template

  1. Open a form, and navigate to Templates in the top navigation bar.
  2. Click the Create Template button. A window will open, asking which type of action we want to create a template for.
  3. Select Submit a Directory Entry under the "Jadu Directories" section, and click the Next button.
  4. Enter a title and click the Next button.
  5. Choose the directory to make the submission in and click the Next button. Complete the field mappings. You can map a question, variable or logic formulae to each one. Alternatively enter manual text by typing it into the search box for the field and pressing the return key.
  6. Click the Save button to create the template.