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Rule conditions

Rules can contain one or more conditions, which will prevent the actions in the rule from running if they are not satisfied.

Condition types

Jadu Central provides a number of different conditions that you can apply to rules, including:

  • Current date is before/after/between
  • Current day is weekday/weekend/bank holiday
  • Current time is before/after/between ...
  • Page was/was not visited
  • Question was/was not answered
  • Question is equal to...
  • Submitted via website/internal form
  • User type is registered user/administrator/administrator on user's behalf

Condition evaluation

Rules have two condition types, And and Or. A typical structure of conditions in a rule may be:

    And Condition 1
Or Condition 2
Or Condition 3

And Condition 4
Or Condition 5

And Condition 6

Each And must be be met for actions to run. If Or conditions are present, these provide alternative options that can be satisfied instead of the And they relate to.

In the above example, condition 6 must always be met. Further to this, one of conditions 4 & 5 and one of conditions 1, 2 & 3 must also be met.

Adding a condition

  1. Navigate to the rule designer of the form.
  2. Click on an And link and a new And block will be shown. Alternatively, click an Or link under an "And" block to add an alternative condition to a particular "And" condition.

Removing a condition

To remove a condition, navigate to the rule designer and click the Cross (x) button on the right hand side of the block.


Removing an And condition will also remove any Or conditions that are related to it.