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Send an email template

Using the action template builder, you can design emails to send when the form is submitted. You can attach files that will be sent with the email on form submission. Jadu Central provides two types of attachment:

  • Custom File Attachments
  • PDF of Completed Form

Send an email template

  1. Open a form, and navigate to Templates in the top navigation bar.
  2. Click the Create Template button. A window will open, asking which type of action we want to create a template for.
  3. Select Send Email under the "Email" section, and click the Next button.
  4. Enter a title. Set the To, From and Subject fields. The # Variable button is used to insert question, logic or standard variables from your form into the email fields. The email format can either be set as HTML or Text. If you select HTML, a rich text editor can be used to format the content of your email's Content field.
  5. If you wish to add a file attachment change the value of Attachment
    • Select File to attach a custom file. After selecting this type, you can design the attachment content in a rich text editor and can insert form data by using the variable picker.
    • Select PDF of Completed Form to attach the file generated by a PDF Generation action.
  6. Click the Save button to create the template.

If you attach a PDF of Completed Form to your email, you must ensure that a PDF Generation action runs before the email is sent.