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Create User

This form action creates a User account, allowing a bespoke registration form to be built instead of using the standard one provided by the software. This action will only be available when the MyAccount Registration Forms integration is enabled.

When adding the action mapping template to the form, you are prompted to map data from the form submission, to fields on the user record. The only mandatory field is email address, all others are optional.

Selecting the 'Create User' Form Action
Configuring a 'Create User' Form template

Note: The feature currently doesn't allow answers to Targeting Questions to be recorded against the user account.

When the action is run on form submission, a user record is created with the data which has been mapped within the action template. This could fail for the following reasons:

  • A user already exists with that email address (see Jadu User with email address exists for how to prevent this scenario)
  • The email address provided is invalid (uses the same Email Address validation that can be applied to Jadu Central Form Questions)
  • Some of the data provided exceeds the maximum allowed size for the field(s).

As part of the user creation, we do not allow the user to specify a password. The user should be directed to use the "Forgot Password" process to set their password for the first time. This serves two purposes:

  1. Preventing the user's password from being output in plain-text within the form submission or the record of this submission.
  2. The user will receive an email with instructions for setting their password, this acts as a verification step to ensure that the user owns the email address which they are registering with.

Enhanced functionality is available for the "Forgot password" feature which will send an email containing a time-limited link, which when clicked will allow the user to reset their password. It is recommended that this functionality be enabled.

Enabling this is a technical task, please contact Jadu for assistance in doing this.


As the registration form using this action will be capturing users' personal data, it is advised that data retention policies are set up within Jadu Central forms such that data is not held within Jadu Central received form logs for any longer than necessary.