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A section is essentially a container for more questions. Of course, your pages already have at least one section, which is the main body of the page.

Sections have to main applications:

  • to add questions under a sub-heading, giving questions more context
  • to show and hide questions based on a certain condition (see Hide/show section on a condition)

Sections support all page elements, so you can put sections inside other sections if you wish.

Adding a page section

Adding a section is very similar to adding any other page element - just drag it from the page element toolbox and drop it in place on the page.

  1. Navigate to the page management area, and open the page you wish to add the section to.
  2. Click, hold and drag the page section from the left hand panel to the drop area on the right hand side. The settings panel for the page section will open.
  3. Complete the mandatory fields, and click the Add Section button. The settings pane will close, and the preview will update to show your section.
  4. The section in the preview will contain a shaded area labelled There are currently no questions.... You can now drag page elements into this area to add them to the section.
  5. Click the Save button to save your changes.

Updating a page section

  1. Navigate to the page management area, and open the page you wish to edit a section on.
  2. Click the section title in the page preview. The settings panel for the page section will open.
  3. Make the required changes, and click the Add Section button. The settings pane will close, and the preview will update to show your section.
  4. Click the Save button to save your changes.

Deleting a page section


Removing a section removes all nested page elements inside that section too.

  1. Navigate to the page management area, and open the page you wish to delete a section from.
  2. Click the section title in the page preview. The settings panel for the page section will open.
  3. Click the Delete button in the settings pane. You will need to confirm this in the subsequent popover before the removal will take place. The settings pane will close, and the preview will update to show your section.
  4. Click the Save button to save your changes.

Hide/show a section on a condition

Dynamically showing additional questions (also known as in page branching) is really useful if you need to ask further questions based on an answer given on the page. You can do this by adding questions to a section and setting this section to show when a condition is met.


Jadu Central supports a number of different conditions for showing and hiding sections. For example:

  • Current day is ...
  • Current date is ...
  • Current time is ...
  • Question is/is not answered
  • Question answer is equal to ...
  • User is signed in
  • Submission is an internal form
  1. Navigate to the page management area, and open the page you wish to edit a section on.
  2. Click the section title in the page preview. The settings panel for the page section will open.
  3. Set the value of Show section to Conditionally. A condition will now need to be created for when this section of the page is shown.
  4. Click the Save button to save your changes.

Add an "Other" field

A personal details page will usually have a question to collect the title of a customer, e.g. Mr, Mrs, Miss. This may be a dropdown type question, where we defined 'Mr', 'Mrs' and 'Miss' as options. However there are lots of other possible titles, that we may need to add to our dropdown, such as 'Professor' and 'Dr'.

To avoid having a really long list of options, we can add an 'Other' option that, once chosen, will trigger a text field question to be displayed. In this second question, the customer can specify their own title.

  1. Add an Other option to your Title question, and save the question.
  2. Add a new page section. Set the value of Show title to Disabled, and the value of Show section to Conditionally.
  3. In the conditional rule section, set the value of Show when to Question, select your Title question, choose is equal to and then Other. Click the Save button to save the section.
  4. Drag a text field question into the section, and label this Other title. Save the question.

If you use this page in a form, you will find that the Other title question is hidden until you select Other from the Title dropdown.

Add an "My address was not found" field

Jadu Central provides a number of address lookup integrated components, where a customer can enter their postcode, and then select their property from a list. These lookups are powered by third party address services.

Sometimes, a customer may live at a property that is not known to the third party address service. Therefore, Jadu Central's address lookup components always provide a 'My address was not found' option. When a customer selects this, it is often desirable to offer them the option of manually entering their address.

  1. Add an Integrated question to the page, and set its type to be the postcode lookup type matching your configured address service. Save the question.
  2. Add a new page section below the address question. Set the value of Show title to Disabled, and the value of Show section to Conditionally.
  3. In the conditional rule section, set the value of Show when to Question, select Address - UPRN question (or property identifier, depending on the address lookup), choose is equal to and then I cannot find my property. Click the Save button to save the section.

In this section, you can now add questions to manually collect the address. You can do this either by sadding a text area, or by adding individual text fields for each line.

Section fields

TitleThe label of the section
Show titleWhether to show the title on the page e.g. as a sub heading in the page
Show sectionAllows the section to be hidden based on a certain condition