Page elements should be thought of as the building blocks for pages. Some are traditional question types, such as text fields and drop downs. Some are more advanced questions that may require additional integrations being enabled, such as address lookups or event booking.
There are also some page elements that aren't questions for customers to answer, such as text blocks and sections. All elements will require some settings adding when you add them to your page.
Do not exceed 100 page elements
Exceeding this value will degrade the performance of the page template and can result in issues saving the page template.
You may find that it is easier to maintain smaller page templates and use page level branching instead of in page branching within the template.
📄️ Checkbox
* What is it? A group of one or more tick boxes.
📄️ Date
* What is it? A text field that is specifically for collecting dates, including a date picker for enhanced usability.
📄️ Dropdown
* What is it? A dropdown box containing different options.
📄️ Event booking
* What is it? A calendar, where the customer can choose a time slot. This requires integration with Office 365, as this is used to store the bookings. More information on using bookings functionality can be found in Bookings.
📄️ File upload
* What is it? A question that allows the uploading of one or more files. By default, this will be a drag/drop area where customers can drop files. Alternatively, customers can click the area to open a file chooser. If JavaScript is disabled, a standard file upload control will be displayed.
📄️ Hidden field
* What is it? A hidden field containing a set value.
🗃️ Integrated component
8 items
🗃️ Integrations
1 items
📄️ Location
* What is it? A question that allows the customer to pinpoint a specific location on a map. This requires integration with ESRI ArcGIS Online or Google Maps to be enabled on the server.
📄️ Matrix
* What is it? A table of x rows by y columns, where each cell contains a text field. Row and column headings are configurable. It is also possible to add a total row, to add up values entered in each numerical column.
📄️ Radio button
* What is it? A group of one or more radio buttons, where any one can be checked.
📄️ Repeatable questions
A repeatable question is, like a page section, a container for more questions. However, repeatable questions allow customers to answer the fields inside them multiple times. Each time the fields are answered, the repeatable question will add a row to its summary table.
📄️ Sections
A section is essentially a container for more questions. Of course, your pages already have at least one section, which is the main body of the page.
📄️ Text field
* What is it? A simple text box.
📄️ Textarea
* What is it? A simple text area, labelled with some configurable text.
📄️ Text block
* What is it? A simple piece of static content, with no customer interaction required.