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Retrieving extended user data from OnBase

Due to the limited set of data which can be held about an authenticated portal user within the Jadu database, the integration can make use of an AutoFill Keyword set in OnBase to provide extended user data.

The AutoFill Keyword Set should be configured such that the first Keyword Type (the primary value) in the set holds the identifier for the user, with other Keyword Types providing the additional data values for that user. The identifier for the user will depend on the authentication adapter in use for portal user authentication.

If the standard out-of-the-box local user authentication, or the MyAccount Registration Forms adapter is in use, the identifier will be the Jadu User ID (a unique integer value).

If a third party authentication adapter is in use (e.g. SAML, CAS, or Jadu Connect), the identifier will be the Jadu User External ID. This is typically a unique identifier supplied by the third party authentication provider.

The AutoFill keyword set to use for extended user data is configured with Integrations Hub (see Authentication).

There are several places that this extended user data can be used:

Widget: Hyland OnBase - Document list

Configuring an AutoFill Keyword Set provides additional signed-in user attribute values to be used when building Custom Query criteria for displaying document results. See Surfacing Documents for more information on configuring Custom Query criteria.

Widget: Hyland OnBase - WorkView Filter results

Configuring an AutoFill Keyword Set provides additional signed-in user attribute values to be used when building Filter criteria for displaying Filter results. See Surfacing Data for more information on configuring Filter criteria.

Widget: Hyland OnBase - Authenticated content

Adding an Authenticated Content widget to a Homepage

The Authenticated content widget allows content to be conditionally displayed based on the presence/absence of a record for the user in the AutoFill Keyword set, or a value of one of the Keywords in the set.

Configuring an Authenticated Content widget

When configuring the widget, the following settings are available:

  • Show Content if:
    • User Keyword Set entry is present - content will display if there is a record in the AutoFill Keyword set where the primary value matches the identifier of the signed-in user
    • User Keyword Set entry is not present - content will display if there is not a record in the AutoFill Keyword set where the primary value matches the identifier of the signed-in user
    • Keyword value is non-empty - content will display if there is a record in the AutoFill Keyword set where the primary value matches the identifier of the signed-in user, and the given Keyword has a non-empty value
    • Keyword value is empty - content will display if there is a record in the AutoFill Keyword set where the primary value matches the identifier of the signed-in user, and the given Keyword has an empty value
    • Keyword value equals - content will display if there is a record in the AutoFill Keyword set where the primary value matches the identifier of the signed-in user, and the given Keyword has the given value. The keyword entered must match exactly (case-sensitive)
    • Keyword value doesn't equal - content will display if there is a record in the AutoFill Keyword set where the primary value matches the identifier of the signed-in user, and the given Keyword does not have the given value
  • Content - provides a WYSIWYG editor to input the content to be displayed when the relevant condition is matched