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Related Documents and Objects

There may be scenarios where you need to allow a user to access Documents or WorkView Objects which are related to other Documents or Objects. Using a similar to concept to linking Documents and Objects in OnBase (Cross-References and Keyword Type maps), we can configure criteria in Custom Query Configurations and WorkView Filter Configurations to list Documents and Objects based on a common Keyword value or Object Attribute value.

For the purposes of explaining this concept, we'll consider two Document Types which we'll call Parent and Child. The intention is that the portal user will see a list of Parent Documents and for a given Document, click a link to see a list of Child Documents related to that Parent Document.

We'll assume that there is already a Custom Query Configuration to power the listing of the Parent Documents.

To list the Child Documents, we will need to create another Custom Query Configuration. Add a criteria to this Custom Query Configuration.

In the first dropdown list, select the Keyword of the Child Document(s) which would have the value in common with a Keyword of the Parent Document (note: the same Keyword Type does not need to be used in the Parent and Child Document types).

In most cases you'll want to select equals or is exactly from the second dropdown list.

In the third dropdown list, select Related Document Keyword.

In the forth dropdown list, select the Keyword of the Parent Document which has values in common with Keyword on the Child Document(s).

You may wish to add other criteria, for example to ensure that the Child Document(s) should be accessible to the signed in user.

The next step is to add a Document List widget to a Jadu Homepage, for listing the Child Documents, selecting the Custom Query Configuration just created. Once you have saved this Homepage and it has been approved, get the url for this page (can be obtained from the View Live link in the Actions menu).

Then, in the Custom Query Configuration for listing Parent Documents, add an Action Link to the newly created Jadu Homepage. This is the link that portal users will click on to see the related (Child) Documents.


Whilst this uses the same concept as Cross-References, it is not necessary to have Cross-References defined in OnBase for it to work.

The intention is that the portal user will see a list of WorkView Objects and for a given Object, click a link to see a list of Documents related to that Object.

We'll assume that there is already a WorkView Filter Configuration to power the listing of the WorkView Objects.

To list the related Documents, we will need to create a Custom Query Configuration. Add a criteria to this Custom Query Configuration.

In the first dropdown list, select the Keyword of the Document(s) which would have the value in common with an Attribute of the related Object.

In most cases you'll want to select equals or is exactly from the second dropdown list.

In the third dropdown list, select Related Object Attribute.

In the fourth and fifth dropdown lists, select the WorkView Application and Class of the related Objects.

In the sixth dropdown list, select the Attribute which has values in common with the related Document Keyword (chosen in the first dropdown list).

You may wish to add other criteria, for example to ensure that the Document(s) should be accessible to the signed in user.

The next step is to add a Document List widget to a Jadu Homepage, for listing the related Documents, selecting the Custom Query Configuration just created. Once you have saved this Homepage and it has been approved, get the url for this page (can be obtained from the View Live link in the Actions menu).

Then in the WorkView Filter Configuration for listing the Objects, add an Action Link to the newly created Jadu Homepage. This is the link that portal users will click on to see the related Documents.

The intention is that the portal user will see a list of WorkView Objects and for a given Object, click a link to see a list of Objects related to that Object. For the purposes of explaining this concept, we'll consider two WorkView Classes which we'll call Parent and Child, where there will be a list of Parent Objects, each with a link to a list of related Child Objects.

We'll assume that there is already a WorkView Filter Configuration to power the listing of the Parent WorkView Objects.

To list the related Child Objects, we will need to create a WorkView Filter Configuration, using a Filter for the Child Class. Add a criteria to this Filter Configuration.

In the first dropdown list, select the Attribute from the Filter which would have the value in common with an Attribute of the Parent Object.

In most cases you'll want to select equals or is exactly from the second dropdown list.

In the third dropdown list, select Related Object Attribute.

In the fourth and fifth dropdown lists, select the WorkView Application and Class of the related Objects (the Parent Class in our scenario).

In the sixth dropdown list, select the Attribute from the Parent Class, which has values in common with the Attribute from the Child Class Filter (chosen in the first dropdown list).

You may wish to add other criteria, for example to ensure that the Object(s) should be accessible to the signed in user.

The next step is to add a WorkView Filter Configuration for listing the Child Objects, selecting the WorkView Filter Configuration just created. Once you have saved this Homepage and it has been approved, get the url for this page (can be obtained from the View Live link in the Actions menu).

Then in the WorkView Filter Configuration for listing the Parent Objects, add an Action Link to the newly created Jadu Homepage. This is the link that portal users will click on to see the related (Child) Objects.

The intention is that the portal user will see a list of Documents and for a given Document, click a link to see a list of WorkView Objects related to that Document.

We'll assume that there is already a Custom Query Configuration to power the listing of the Documents.

To list the related Objects, we will need to create a WorkView Filter Configuration. Add a criteria to this Filter Configuration.

In the first dropdown list, select the Attribute from the Filter which would have the value in common with a Keyword of the related Document.

In most cases you'll want to select equals from the second dropdown list.

In the third dropdown list, select Related Document Keyword.

In the forth dropdown list, select the Keyword of the related Document which has values in common with the Attribute chosen in the first dropdown list.

You may wish to add other criteria, for example to ensure that the Object(s) should be accessible to the signed in user.

The next step is to add a WorkView Filter Configuration for listing the related Objects, selecting the WorkView Filter Configuration just created. Once you have saved this Homepage and it has been approved, get the url for this page (can be obtained from the View Live link in the Actions menu).

Then in the Custom Query Configuration for listing the Documents, add an Action Link to the newly created Jadu Homepage. This is the link that portal users will click on to see the related Objects.