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Google reCAPTCHA

To separate humans from spam bots, Google reCAPTCHA can be used before submission of forms such as on your Jadu Central login page.

  1. Click the Settings icon in the left navigation bar. The Settings menu will open.
  2. Click the Integrations link in the first group of links. A list of integrations will now be shown.
  3. Click the Google reCAPTCHA option in the list of integrations. The Google reCAPTCHA integration form will open.

Google reCAPTCHA fields

Google reCAPTCHA integration

Public KeySite Key provided in the reCAPTCHA site.
Private KeySecret Key provided in the reCAPTCHA site.
VersionVersion of reCAPTCHA (Jadu recommends using v2).

To enable reCAPTCHA use on your application login page, you must enable rate limiting by setting the constant CC_LOGIN_RATELIMIT_ENABLED to true.


You can sign up for Google reCAPTCHA API keys on the website.