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Exporting records

Performing a Directory record export is a straightforward task. Directory content will be made available for download in CSV format.

Exporting directory data

  1. When editing a directory, navigate to the directory overview by clicking the Export tab.
  2. The directory export form will open.

Records are not exported immediately.

When the form is submitted, the action is added to a background queue. This allows the application to export very large amounts of data successfully.

Directory export fields

Directory export

TypeThe type of export to perform. Defaults to Data export.
Field terminatorThe character used to indicate the end of a field. Defaults to ,
Line terminatorSpecify the characters used to denote a new line. Defaults to Windows (\r\n).
Include header lineWhether to include a header line as the first row of the exported CSV file. Defaults to Yes.
Export fieldsSpecify the fields that you wish to include in your export file. By default every field will be exported.
Include titleWhether to include the record title field in the export. Defaults to Yes.
Include categoriesWhether to include record category data in the export. Defaults to Yes.
Include metadataWhether to include record metadata in the export. Defaults to Yes.

Types of export

Field export: export a CSV file that represents the data structure of your directory, the fields and their associated settings.

Data export: export the data that populates each record in your directory.