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Directory categories

If the directory you are creating will accommodate datasets that benefit from additional categorisation, you can create a dedicated structure for it.

Managing directory categories

  1. When editing a directory, navigate to the directory overview by clicking the Taxonomy tab. The directory category management page will open.
  2. The tree of directory categories will be shown in the left panel of the directory category management page. Actions you can take to add or edit categories will be shown in the right panel.

Directory category fields

Directory categories

NameName of the category.
IDID is the unique reference for this category, which is generated by Jadu Central. This value can not be updated in the user interface and is read only.

Unlike the main website category list, directory categories are updated in real time and do not need to be published.

Supporting category content

A long text description, and image can be added to top level directory categories.

To manage this content, try the following:

  1. When editing a directory, navigate to the directory overview by clicking the Overview tab.
  2. Click the name of the category the contnt will be associated with in the list. The advert management page will open.
  3. Click the Actions button. The Actions menu will open. Click the Edit category link from the menu options. The category details form will open.
  4. Make the required changes, and click the Save button to save your changes.

Directory categories additional data