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Jadu Connect - Value of field for a specific case

  • What is it? Given a Jadu Connect case reference and a field name, this formula will return the value of this field for the particular case.


The formula requires integration with Jadu Connect to be configured. This can be done under Settings > Integrations > Jadu Connect.


This formula requires 3 inputs to be passed through to it:

  • the Jadu Connect case reference

  • the case field to return. Search for the field by typing in its Name or Unique identifier.

  • whether to run as the signed in user

    This determines whether the request to Jadu Connect is sent using the signed in account, or the Jadu Connect API key permissions. The signed in account may have different permissions to the API key, causing the result of the formula to differ.


When retrieved from Jadu Connect, the case is cached by Jadu Central for the remainder of the current page load. This means that any subsequent formulae that need to access the case will not need to retrieve it from Jadu Connect.

Return values

The value of the fieldIf the case exists and can be accessed
An empty stringOtherwise

Note: return values are case sensitive

Formula Logic

  1. The case with the specified reference is retrieved.

  2. The result of the formula is the value of the specified field from the case.