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Jadu Connect - Reference of most recent case for user

  • What is it? This formula will return the reference of the most recent case associated with the signed in customer, for a specific case type.


The formula requires integration with Jadu Connect to be configured. This can be done under Settings > Integrations > Jadu Connect.


This formula requires 1 input to be passed through to it, the case type to match in Jadu Connect.

Return values

A case referenceIf the customer has at least one case of the specified type.

Note: return values are case sensitive

Formula Logic

  1. The customer's Jadu Connect access token is obtained, as they are signed in.

  2. Jadu Connect is queried using this token, to fetch all of the customer's cases of the specified type.

  3. The reference of the first case is the result of the formula.