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Date Value

  • What is it? Extract part of the date (day, month, year, day of week, week of year) from a date and save the result.


This calculation cannot manipulate non all day booking event dates.


This formula requires the following inputs to be passed through to it:

  • Date the date to return a part of
  • Date Format the input format of the date
  • Return the part of the date to return from Day of the week, Day, Month, Year or Week of year.

Return values

YesIf its possible to report a missed collection for the property

Note: return values are case sensitive

Formula Logic

  1. A new DateTime object is created from the Date Format and Date inputs

  2. If the Return option is Day of the week the date is returned in the format D (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs etc...).

  3. If the Return option is Day the date is returned in the format d (1, 2, 3... 21, 22 etc...).

  4. If the Return option is Month the date is returned in the format M (1 = January, 2 = February etc...).

  5. If the Return option is Year the date is returned in the format Y (2000).

  6. If the Return option is Week of year the date is returned in the format W (1, 2, 3 etc...).

  7. If an exception occurs for example, the DateTime object cannot be created from the input date an empty string is returned.