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Property Display Sets

A set of properties can be defined that have been created within Perceptive Content and applied to Document types. The Display Set is used on the front end Workflow Details view of an individual Worklist item when viewed by the end user.

This configuration interface is provided by Jadu due to a limitation that a View as defined within Perceptive Content cannot be used to retrieve and display Composite Custom Properties.

  1. Click the Perceptive icon in the left navigation bar. The Perceptive menu will open.
  2. Click the Perceptive Settings link. A list of Property Display Sets will now be shown.


TitleA user-friendly name for the display set.
Display Jadu Form detailsWhether to display submitted form values on the worklist page.
Display download linkWhether to display a download link
Form reference propertySet this to the field you are storing the Jadu XForm (Form - Reference ID)? Can be an Index Value or Custom Property
Document display propertiesThe properties to include in the display set. Properties that are selected but do not apply to a given Document type are not displayed. When selecting document display propertiees, composite properties are not selectable, only their children.

When displaying the document details, a document can have multiple composite properties with the same ID.

When defining a conglomerate of child properties, if a document has multiple composite properties that contain this child property, they will be displayed as a set.