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Property Access Control Sets

The Property Access Control Set interface resides in the Jadu Control Center and provides the ability to assign Perceptive Properties, as long as the properties have been defined and applied to Document Types within Perceptive Content.

A Property Access Control Set defines a set of rules composed of Perceptive Property names, where a valid user id can be stored and found within a document.

When an Access Control Set is in use (for example when viewing an approval document), the assigned properties are compared with the signed-in user in order to see if the signed-in user has the access to read or to write, or has access to view the document. In the access control set interface a user can set up the following:

  • What document types the rule applies to
  • What name does the Access Control Set have
  • The properties where if the signed-in user id is found has “read only” access
  • The properties where if the signed-in user id is found has “approve/decline” access
  • The decision field to have the decision written to, and subsequent decision date field (where necessary)
  • If at least one user declines, in what property the decision decline reason will be updated
  • The “Approve / Decline“ behavior

For the properties where the user id of the signed-in user is found and has ‘write access’, there are more specialized fields for configuring the “Decision Response” field and “Decision Response Date” field. When a user with access to approve or decline makes a decision on “Decision Response”, a “Decision Response Date” is added into the configured properties.

By creating multiple Property Access Control Sets, an administrator can define on a very granular level:

  • how users have access to documents
  • what users can decide for a given document type or for all documents that this ACL set is used
  • where decisions, responses and dates will be stored.
  1. Click the Perceptive icon in the left navigation bar. The Perceptive menu will open.
  2. Click the Perceptive Settings link. A list of Property Display Sets will now be shown.
  3. Click the Property Access Control Sets tab and a list of Property Access Control Sets will now be shown.


TitleA user friendly name for this property set
Document typeWhat Document Type from Perceptive Content this rule applies to.
Document field properties for read-only usersThe properties where if the signed-in user NetId is found, has only read access. This is the field that is storing the Unique ID of the person who the document is related to: Student ID, Employee ID, Manager ID, etc
Decision reason propertyIf at least one user declines, in what property the decision decline reason will be updated in Perceptive Content.
Document field properties for Approve/Decline usersThe properties where if the signed-in user NetId is found, has approve/decline access.
Document Approve/Decline behaviourTwo options are provided. Sequential: a user has access to approve or decline a document only when all the Document "Approve/Decline" User Field Properties before it have been decided, used when a certain workflow route is desired. Concurrent: no matter the order in which they appear, users in which NetIds ar found in Document "Approve/Decline" User Field Properties can see and decide.