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Worklist Views

Jadu Central includes the ability to display workflow data from Perceptive Content on a Jadu homepage via the use of a widget available in the Homepages interface called a ‘Perceptive Content - Worklist View’ widget. This widget provides the ability to surface information about items in the workflow so approvals can be captured and used to progress the item through the Perceptive Content workflow without the need for the end-user to log in to Perceptive Content and ‘Route Forward’.


It is assumed that the customer will have a workflow built in Perceptive Content and that workflow will use standard ‘Routing Rules’ in Perceptive Content to facilitate the routing of approvals captured in the Jadu Worklist Approval Widget.

The Jadu Worklist Approval Widget is dependent on a workflow existing in Perceptive Content that can be leveraged.

This is powerful because it enables the organization to offer workflow approval processes outside of the Perceptive Content licensed user base (for customers, students and other employees for example).

The user experience is also closely tied to the Jadu web interfaces and so is available on mobile as well as being web accessible. When combined with other widgets that may perhaps integrate with other systems, you can develop and publish powerful, highly personalized web experiences and secure Portal Pages.

Integration elements

Worklists can be surfaced on the portal using the following elements of the Perceptive Content integration:

Worklist Portal Page

This is a generic Portal page used by all audience types in which the users can:

  • See the current worklist (if they have access to “Approve/Decline“  for that document)
  • See active requests
  • If the signed-in user is a student, can see their submitted forms and current status

This page is built using the Worklist view widget. The “Perceptive Worklist - View” widget can display for a certain logged-in user, based upon the chosen Property Access Control Sets, all the documents from the selected Workflow Item View that the user has access to. In the widget settings, an administrator can:

  • Change the title of the widget. The title of the widget is displayed right before the table
  • Set the Perceptive Workflow Item View: The view that holds all the documents that need to be displayed (if the user has access)
  • The maximum number of items to display in a page should the user have multiple results from the view
  • A flag if the “Documents Details” page should be displayed or not
  • What Property Display Set to use when entering in the document details page.
  • What Property Access Control Sets to use. Combined, the property access control sets create a VSL query that extracts all documents from the Workflow Item View
  • Change each column header within the preview section to better reflect the data (same behavior as “Perceptive Content - View” widget)

The Worklist Details Page

The Worklist details page is where users with Approve/Decline privileges can see all the document details, including the form fields used to generate the document.

The submitted form reference is searched in a property defined in the Property Display settings.

All details of the form are displayed, similarly to the information provided in the confirmation page.

Worklist decision-making section

The worklist decision-making section is only shown to users with “approve/decline” in the access control set.

The user can select from approving or declining the document and giving a summary (if needed) of why they declined the document.

After a decision is made, the widget searches for the property decision field and property decision date field where the logged in user NetId is found.

Routing Documents in Perceptive Content with the Jadu Worklist Widget

As the Worklist Widget can update an Index Field or Custom Property with a decision in Perceptive Content, this means that (with the help of a Routing Rule, or iScript) documents can be sent to a new queue through front end portal interactions. To set this up:

  1. Identify an Index Field or Custom Property in Perceptive Content to use. For example, create a String-type Custom Property named “Approved Status”.
  2. Create a Routing Rule to route documents from the “pending” queue to the appropriate destination queue(s).
    1. Rule Statement #1: if “Approval Status” = “Yes”, then route the document to “General Worklist Approved” queue.
    2. Rule Statement #2: If “Approval Status” = “No”, then route the document to “General Worklist Declined” queue.
  3. Assign the new Rule onto the appropriate Workflow Queue (in our example, “Approval Pending”), so that when Jadu updates the Index Field or Custom Property, the Rule will route the document to the Approved or Denied Workflow Queues.
  4. Setup the Jadu Worklist Widget as described earlier in this document, to Approve (Yes) or Deny (No) a document, storing the approval decision in our example “Approval Status” Custom property ending in the “Worklist decision-making section” section above.
    1. Note: for this simple example, just pick one of your index values to identify the user id of the Approver when setting up the Access Control Sets.