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Bottomline Business Payment Solutions

Manage direct debits using Bottomline Business Payment Solutions.


To integrate with Jadu Central, your Bottomline account must be configured as follows:

  • Access is required to both the Push Data and the Soap Based API Web Service.
  • The Push Data pages should be configured to allow pre-populating of the mandate page.
  • The Push Data pages should be configured use the following return URLs:
    • (your site)/xfp/payments/fcc-response
    • (your site)/xfp/payments/fcc-response?cancelled=true
  • An ad-hoc plan should be created on the account
  1. Click the Settings icon in the left navigation bar. The Settings menu will open.
  2. Click the Integrations link in the first group of links. A list of integrations will now be shown.
  3. Click the Bottomline option in the list of integrations. The Bottomline integration form will open.

Integration elements

The integration consists of:

Bottomline fields

Enabling First Capital Cashflow Integration

Enable integrationWhether the integration is enabled or disabled.
Client SUNProvided by Bottomline.
Client IDProvided by Bottomline.
API UsernameUsername to access API provided by Bottomline.
API PasswordPassword for the account to access the API, provided by Bottomline.
Initial PlanThe GUID of a non-frequency plan to register mandates against.
Live EndpointURL for the live service endpoint.
Live API EndpointURL for the live API service endpoint.
Test EndpointURL for the test service endpoint.
Test API EndpointURL for the test API service endpoint.
Test ModeWhether submissions are treated as test data.

You will now be able to use Bottomline when creating PayBridge Services. For more information on how to create a Direct Debit Service in PayBridge, see Direct debit services.

Missing dependency warning

You may encounter a warning message about a Missing dependency. This relates to the PHP SoapClient module which may be missing from you application server.