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Northgate M3PP / Assure - Property has Attribute with Value

  • What is it? This formula will check if a specified property has an attribute with a particular value in the M3PP / Assure instance.


The formula requires connection to a Jadu hubIS instance, which can be configured in the Integrations page. Your Jadu hubIS instance should be configured to connect to your M3PP / Assure instance. For help setting up and configuring hubIS, contact Jadu Support.


This formula requires the following inputs to be passed through to it:

  • the name of the M3PP / Assure instance as configured in Jadu hubIS
  • the UPRN of the property to check
  • the asset type to check
  • the attribute code to check
  • the accepted value(s) that the attribute can have

The mapped value for the UPRN must come from an address lookup question, using the property_identifier variable option.

Return values

trueIf the property has an asset with the specified type, that contains an attribute with the specified code and value

Note: return values are case sensitive

Formula Logic

  1. A check is made to see if the integration has been enabled in the Settings > Integrations page. If the integration is not enabled the formula returns false.

  2. A call is made to GetAssets passing in the UPRN input. This returns all the assets set on a property. If the call fails, the result is false.

  3. All returned assets are examined to find any with an ASSETTYPE matching the asset type input.

  4. The attributes of any assets with a matching ASSETTYPE are examined, to find any attributes matching the attribute code input.

  5. Any matching attributes are examined, to find any where the value matches one of the accepted value(s) input.

  6. If any attributes with a matching value are found, the result is true. Otherwise, the result is _false.