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Esri ArcGIS Enterprise UK Data Loader - Get Street field value

  • What is it? This calculation will retrieve the value of the specified field for the street identified by the supplied USRN.


The formula requires Esri ArcGIS Enterprise UK Data Loader integration to be configured. This can be done under Settings > Integrations > Esri ArcGIS Enterprise UK Data Loader.


This formula requires 2 inputs to be passed through to it:

USRNthe USRN of the street to look up
Field Namethe name of the field on the street record to return a value for

Return values

stringThe value of the field for the street
falseIf the street or field is not found, or there is an error fetching the results

Formula Logic

  1. A check is made to see if the integration has been enabled in the Settings > Integrations page. If the integration is not enabled the logic returns 'false'.

  2. The street is fetched from Esri using the supplied USRN value.

  3. The value of the specified Field Name is returned for the street identified by USRN.

If the street or the Field Name field is not found, 'false' will be returned.